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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Online service easing procedure of job application

Over 130 thousand job seekers across the county could make online application without hassle and wastage of time for the post of government secondary school teachers this year through the web portal of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Following development of the web portal with the support of Access to Information programme, job seekers are no more needed to stand in long queues at the banks to pay their job application fees or send qualification certificates by postal services.
They just used the Internet for filling up the digitized prescribed forms using Teletalk mobile network for paying application fees. The web portal which had a link page with Teletalk received unexpected response from the users.
Teletalk Marketing chief Habibur Rahman told BSS that they were surprised to receive such a big number of applicants' request to submit the prescribed form uploaded in the web portal.
"It proves that the mass people of the country need the digital technology in their day to day life and they can use the opportunity of new technologies, if they could made aware of the facilities," he added.
He said due to easy procedure of application through the Internet the Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Department received 30,000 more applications this year compared to the previous years.
Talking to BSS, one of the applicants Ahmed Selim said, "It worked like magic. I could submit my application in five minutes which earlier required at least four to three days."
Mosammet Mahmuda Akhtar, another applicant, said she could apply only because of the facilities otherwise it would have been impossible on her part to submit the application because of household preoccupation.
The huge response of online application across the country has proved the government action plan to build digital Bangladesh is bringing positive results in the fields of development and governance, he said.
"The success of getting 30,000 more applications for the post of secondary teachers through online can be marked as a milestone of the government's endeavor in building digital Bangladesh," he said.
Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd, the only state-run telecom company of the country, took the initiatives in collaboration with the Directorate after getting huge response in receiving applications for enrollment in Shahjalal University.
Teletalk Marketing Chief said their software experts had developed the new programme for the online application procedure which was managed by the own server of the company.
Habibur Rahman said they are presently working on receiving applications for the post of teachers at private schools. "We have the plan to bring all kinds of job application procedure under online services in near future," he said.
Like apply for job or tender through online various digital innovative initiatives are being undergoing across the country in line with the government's vision for building digital Bangladesh.
After assuming the power, the present government instructed all ministries to take various digital innovative initiatives for making the public services available at the doorsteps of the common people for realizing its election commitment of building digital Bangladesh.
Of the submitted innovative digital ideas, the UNDP funded Access to Information (A2I) project, operated from the Prime Minister Office has selected 53 ideas terming those as `quick win' initiatives.
Almost all `quick win' initiatives are being implemented successfully with huge response from the common people which shows that the government is on the right track toward achieving its target of building digital Bangladesh.

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