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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Social networking privacy issue : facebook or twitter?

Social networking websites are becoming more and more popular day by day _ facebook is in the 1st position among social networking sites! And twitter has shown increased amount of growth recently and their several shut down during the running worldcup is an appropriate example of twitter popularity!
Now come to the center of the discussing! Its about the privacy issue – the more the social networks being increased the more the privacy problems are arising! Both privacy problem and growth of social networks are proportional!
Facebook is the worst sufferer of this privacy issue as people provides every kind of personal information (from birth date to the person he is engaged with) to personal images!
And many of the users don’t have proper knowledge about the facebook privacy settings so often they experience different online problems! More over in many under developed and developing countries cyber crine related law isn’t present or not clear or not applied properly ( for example, recent facebook ban of Bangladesh due to some edited cartoons of national leaders) so, cyber crimes related to this privacy issue is increasing day by day!
Not only this but also direct psychological hit by representing other religion differently is another issue facebook is suffering of, you know the recent ban of facebook in Pakistan!
Come on, facebook is fighting against these types of cyber crimes related to their privacy issue, they are releasing developed privacy set up in a short duration! But still can’t overcome the privacy problem!
Now, what about the privacy of twitter users?
Yes, twitter has its privacy setup, if anyone want he can make his tweet private to only his followers!
But, most of the twitter users don’t use this privacy option! As twitter isn’t any place for private gossiping! More over twitter is more out going type of social network than facebook!
People tweet to inform the whole online world, where facebook is limited into the friends!
Twitter doesn’t take any private information about anyone even they’ll not take or share any basic information. So, twitter related 3rd party websites and desktop or mobile applications are more than any other social networks!
Twitter doesn’t experience any privacy issue problem yet, more over due to presence of celebraties with verified account has become twitter more interesting than other social networks! And where facebook is updating its privacy setup in a short interval twitter bird is singing about its transparency!
Clearly, while facebook is facing tremendous problems due to privacy twitter is becoming more and more popular due to transparency!
In social networking sites privacy issue twitter is the winner!

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