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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Warid's FIFA world cup 2010 specials

Warid Telecom Bangladesh

FIFA world cup 2010 specials

football world cup specials
you will find special info, games, alert services, contents and many more on FIFA worldcup football 2010...
special caller tunes
Fifa information
  • SMS Alert Service: Type SPORTS & send SMS to 3151
    • Today’s Match Schedule
    • Goal Alert [During match]
    • After Match [Result]
    Subscription fee: TK 10 per month.

  • Last Match Result: Type WC LMR & send SMS to 4636
  • Match Schedule: Type WC MS & send SMS to 4636
SMS Quiz Gaming
Quiz on Football World Cup - there will be continuous questions with 2 options; you can answer the question through the SMS.
  1. WC Q & send to 2580 to get a question
  2. You will receive question.
    (The answer of each question will be Yes or No. for e.g. Argentina won the previous World cup? Send “Y” for Yes “N” for No)
  3. Type WC Y & send to 2580 to select YES as answer
  4. Type WC N & send to 2580 to select NO as answer
  5. Type WC P & send to 2580 to get your position.
The highest correct answer and SMS sender throughout the contest will be selected as the winner. Five winners will be selected after the contest. Ccontest will run till the end of FIFA World Cup 2010 i.e. 11 July 2010

FIFA Freak SMS Contest

If you are football freak, enjoy SMS quiz contest where you will receive continuous questions with 2 options, you will answer the question through the SMS. For e.g.
  1. The answer of each question will be Yes or No.
    for e.g. Argentina won the previous World cup? Send “Y” for Yes “N” for No to short Code 2580.
To participate the contest you have to follow the below steps:  
  1. To start type WC Q
  2. To answer a question type
    1. For Yes option type WC Y
    2. For No option type WC N
  3. To know position type WC P
  • 5 points will be scored for each correct answer and there will be no negative marking for the wrong answer
  • Winner selection procedure:
    • The highest correct answer and SMS sender throughout the contest will be selected as the winner.
    • 5 winners will be selected after the contest.
  • This contest will run till the end of FIFA World Cup 2010 i.e. 11 July 2010
1st Prize 2nd to 5th Prize
N97 mini (1 handset as first prize)
E63 (4 handsets)

1327 WorldCup 01
1328 WorldCup 02
1329 WorldCup 03
1330 WorldCup 04
1331 WorldCup_05
1332 WorldCup_06
1333 WorldCup_07
1334 WorldCup_08
1335 WorldCup_09
1336 WorldCup_10
1337 WorldCup_11
1338 WorldCup_12
1339 WorldCup_13
1340 WorldCup_14
1341 WorldCup_15
1342 WorldCup_16
1343 WorldCup_17
1344 WorldCup_18
1345 WorldCup_19
1346 WorldCup_20
4134 Argentina
4135 Brazil
4136 Cameroon
4137 Denmark
4138 England
4139 France
4140 Germany
4141 Greece
4142 Holland
4143 Italy
4144 Japan
4145 Korea Republic
4146 Mexico
4147 Nigeria
4148 Paraguay
4149 Portugal
4150 South Africa
4151 Spain
4152 switzerland
4153 Uruguay
4154 World Cup Logo
4139 Amrai Jitbo
4140 Champion
4141 Egiye Cholo
4142 Enjoy WorldCup
4143 Goal
4144 Goal 1
4145 Golden Boot
4146 Love Football
4147 Parle Thekao
4148 Red Card
3361 The Best
Go to Warid Menu>Entertainment>Logos & Icons>Picture Message>My Picture>Entercode

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